
martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Programa de talleres de MET 2011

Registration is now open for MET's series of spring/autumn workshops for 2011. The workshops, listed below, will be held in Barcelona in March-April-May and September 2011. For full details of the workshops and how to register, click here.
Practices for the 2011 translation and language services scene: reports and open discussions
Getting started in financial translation
Ready, steady, edit: an introduction to editing medical texts
Exploring key issues in editing or translating for authors: the Sea of Words project
Revision matters: why, how and how much?
Anatomy, part 3: the nervous system, an overview for English language specialists
International Translation Day: Bridging Cultures
METM11, Barcelona, October 20-22, 2011

The call for participation and preliminary programme for MET's 2011 conference have now been posted. This year's conference is entitled Quality in English translation and editing — from research to practice and back. For details on the call for participation, click here and to see the preliminary programme, click here.